Tuesday, 26 September 2017

10 ADHD Books for Parents; Who Handle their Spirited Child

Early diagnosis of ADD/ADHD is not common in every case. Some parents read the symptoms and get their child checked at time while some parents take time to feel the problem with their kids.

ADD/ADHD is most common childhood disorder which continue lifetime. Once diagnosed the kids have to undergo ADHD treatment .

Parents needs to get themselves involved with kids to maximum extend, so that children with ADHD problem do not feel alone or ignorant.

They could select some fun or knowledge sharing activities, reading books and playing study games with kids to make them feel involved.

Following we are enlisting top10 books for parents who are dealing with ADHD children should read;

1. Cory Stories: A Kid’s Book About Living With ADHD

2. The Survival Guide for Kids with ADD or ADHD

3. 50 Activities and Games for Kids with ADHD

4. My Brother’s a World-Class Pain A Sibling’s Guide to ADHD-Hyperactivity

5. Taking Charge of ADHD, Third Edition: The Complete, Authoritative Guide for Parents

6. Smart but Scattered: The Revolutionary “Executive Skills” Approach to Helping Kids Reach Their Potential

7.  Putting on the Brakes

8.  ADD-Friendly Ways to Organize Your Life

9.  More Attention, Less Deficit: Success Strategies for Adults with ADHD

10. ADHD in Children – An Essential Guide for Parents

These books help you to have better understanding of ADHD. Some of these highlight the various aspects of ADHD like types, causes, diagnosis and treatments, etc. while some books are written by people, who have compiled their personal experience to deal with ADD/ADHD kids.

EBL Coaching is one-on-one home tutoring service providers for ADHD kids, we understand that enhancing study skills are part of ADHD TREATMENT in NJ, thus we provide customized study plans for every children.

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